Business Loan Protection
Can you safeguard your business loan in case of death or disability of a key person? Now you can!
Building a business is not easy and often is the work of a lifetime.
Most businesses opt for a business loan from a bank to boost their funding. However, loans are often given on the value derived from the business as well as the key people involved.
In case a key member falls severely ill or passes away, the bank may look to protect its assets by recalling the loan.
To protect your business from this sudden stress of bank pressure and to ensure your business continues to thrive, you should opt for loan insurance. Business loan protection helps pay back the bank loan in the event of such a death or disability, thus protecting your business.
The money you receive can be used to pay back loans or settle any other debts, thus helping you maintain your business as before.
There are several other factors that need to be accounted for beforehand such as the cover to be opted for, the loan repayment plan etc. With Rafiya, financial consultant you can be assured that all relevant points will be handled with the utmost care and at the right time.